On the National Day of Voter Register 2024, Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) is highlighting that people in prison have the same right to register to vote as people in the community. The right to vote should be facilitated and protected within the prison estate, just as it is in the rest of our community.
The Electoral (Amendment) Act 2006 provides the legal basis for the enfranchisement of individuals in prison subject to other voter registration criteria.
Applications for special and postal voting arrangements, with relevant, completed, certification must be received by the local authority by 11 May 2024.
Irish Penal Reform Trust encourages political candidates to distribute their literature/manifestos in prisons through the school, library, and other common areas of the prison. IPRT also encourages political candidates to visit a prison in or near their constituency.
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.