14th July 2008
In late 2006, FLAC, ICCL and IPRT came together to work on the shadow reporting process to Ireland’s third periodic report under the UN International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Recognising that Ireland would soon be called for its examination under the Covenant and given the range of important human rights related developments that had occurred since Ireland’s previous review in 2000, the group decided to pool their expertise and resources in order to coordinate the best possible joint response, in consultation with a range of Irish civil society organisations.
The Shadow Report itself was launched in Dublin to coincide with the examination of Ireland on 14 July 2008 in Geneva, Switzerland.
A follow-up conference was hosted by FLAC, the ICCL and the IPRT in April 2009 in order to devise the next steps to be taken in order to ensure that the process does not end and that the implementation of the concluding observations is not ignored.
To download the ICCPR Report, please click the icon above.
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.