30th June 2010
In June 2010, JRS-Europe published a new report entitled, Becoming Vulnerable in Detention. This report followed 18-months of research with NGOs in 23 EU Member States and interviews with 685 detained asylum seekers and irregular migrants in 21 EU Member States.
It reveals that detention itself is a primary determinant factor that influences detainees' level of vulnerability. Detention is shown to be a measure that brings more harm, rather than benefit, to the persons who are subject to it.
Despite the variance in detention conditions found throughout the EU, the 400-page report shows that the effects detention has on people is startingly similar: depression, anxiety, weight loss, insomnia, isolation from loved ones and disruption of life plans.
A detailed section on Ireland begins pg. 236.
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.