Irish Penal Reform Trust

Irish Examiner: Coroners still to hold almost half of inquests into prisoner deaths in last 12 years

25th September 2024

On 25 Septmeber 2024, Ann Murphy of the Irish Examiner reported on statistics from a recent Parliamental Question response that indicated that coroners are still to hold almost half of inquests into prisoner deaths in last 12 years. Irish Penal Reform Trust Executive Director, Saoirse Brady, responded to the information, alongside a spokesperson from Irish Council of Civil Liberities (ICCL).

"Executive director of the Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT), Saoirse Brady, is concerned by the delays in the inquests, and said: “When a death occurs in custody, the Office of the Inspector of Prisons is also tasked with investigating and ascertaining the events and circumstances that led up to the death of a prisoner.

However, only the coroner can determine the cause of death. 

This means that often families must participate in two different processes, sometimes years apart, and only get the answers and closure they are seeking after years of waiting.

IPRT is also concerned that prolonged delays in both the holding of inquests by the Coroner's Court, combined with the delays in the publication of Office of Inspectorate of Prisons Death in Custody reports by the Minister of Justice, may impede transparency and accountability.” 

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