17th June 2019
IPRT welcomed the introduction by Deputy Jim O’Callaghan of the Private Member’s Bill, the Parole Bill 2016 as an opportunity to achieve clarity in law and practice on parole. However, IPRT recommends that a number of the provisions of the Bill are amended or strengthened.
IPRT has published a number of papers and submissions outlining the principles that should underpin reform of the parole system in Ireland. In our most recent submission on the Bill in June 2019, IPRT assesses the Parole Bill 2016 (as amended) against those key principles, and makes priority recommendations relating to each. These key principles include:
For the Parole Bill 2016 to achieve its goals of clarity, transparency and fairness, the Bill should be strengthened in line with IPRT's recommendations. To see the history of the Parole Bill 2016, visit the Oireachtas website here.
To read our June 2019 submission on 'Parole Reform and the Parole Bill 2016' click here.
For a more discursive document on IPRT's position on the Parole Bill 2016, see our February 2018 submission here.
For even more on our work on parole reform, visit iprt.ie/parole
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.