22nd June 2017
Progress achieved in Ireland since 2011 means that a foundation now exists on which to work towards a progressive penal system in Ireland – one that is led by innovation and not crisis management, and which does not compound social inequalities.
Here, IPRT presents a broader overview of our policy recommendations for a more just and humane penal system that will contribute to better outcomes for individuals, safer communities, and a more equal society.
At its centre, IPRT believes that Ireland’s penal system must aspire to not only meet minimum human rights standards but to exceed them, striving to be a model of international good practice in the medium- to long-term.
All of IPRT’s recommendations are grounded in evidence and research, and we welcome requests for more information on the comprehensive research and analysis that underpins our recommendations.
Read the full document here.
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.