31st October 2024
**The deadline for tender applications has now passed***
This study is being commissioned by the Traveller Justice Initiative (TJI).
The Traveller Justice Initiative (TJI) was established in 2014 as a response to the particular needs and circumstances of Travellers within the 14 prisons in Ireland. The Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) currently hosts the TJI, which is funded by the Irish Prison Service (IPS) and the Probation Service.
Travellers as a whole – and Traveller women in particular - are over-represented in Irish prisons. Although only accounting for 0.7% of the population in the Republic of Ireland, 10% of the entire prison population and 15% of the female prison population (based on a census of Travellers in prison undertaken by the Irish Prison Service in November and December 2018).
The overall aim of the TJI is to embed positive change in policy and practice. The TJI has identified five key action areas that have the potential to inform policy and practice in a pragmatic and sustainable manner. They are:
An inter-agency Steering Group has been appointed to guide the direction of the TJI which is chaired by the National Traveller Women’s Forum and includes representatives from Pavee Point, the Irish Traveller Movement, IASIO, the Irish Prison Service, the Probation Service, the Irish Penal Reform Trust, Mincéirs Whiden, Traveller MABS, Exchange House, Traveller Counselling Service, the HSE Social Inclusion Unit, the Irish Red Cross, the Education and Training Board, the Traveller Mediation Service and Parish of the Travelling People.
There are a number of early release schemes operational across the prison estate in Ireland. These are resettlement and rehabilitation schemes for those on custodial sentences, and they enable prisoners to serve a portion of their sentence in the community. There are a number of schemes that apply different eligibility criteria and conditions for participants. These include pilot and established schemes including:
The TJI wishes to commission a piece of research to explore the use of early release schemes in Irish prisons. The aim of the research is to understand the representation and engagement of Travellers in early release programmes, in order to identify ways to improve access and outcomes, where necessary.
Tenders are requested to submit proposals of no more than 3,000 words using the following format:
All queries in relation to this tender should be submitted by email only to tenders@iprt.ie or to Anne Costello, Co-ordinator, Traveller Justice Initiative, Acostello@iprt.ie
Tenders should be submitted to tenders@iprt.ie by 5pm on 5 November 2024.
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.