4th March 2011
IPRT has issued an invitation to tender for assistance in the development of a revised IPRT Fundraising Strategy and in the implementation of that strategy, contributing towards enhancing IPRT’s fundraising capacity.
Core Requirements:
Terms and Conditions of Proposed Contract:
It is envisaged that the successful applicant will work for a set number of days per month (7-10), principally at the IPRT office, but with the possibility of some off-site work; the duration of the contract will be for a period of one year. The rate of remuneration will be negotiated between the successful candidate and IPRT and will be based on qualification and experience.
For full details, download the 'invitation to tender' here.
Tender Process:
IPRT requests that tenders to be submitted by e-mail to info@iprt.ie by March 25th 2011
For more information, contact Mary Gaffney at: info@iprt.ie or tel: 01-8741400
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.