4th October 2011
Ireland's human rights record will be examined under the UPR this Thursday, 6th Oct, 2011 in Geneva.
Questions submitted in advance suggest that prison conditions, including slopping out, overcrowding, lack of independent complaints mechanisms, and racism against travellers in prison are among the human rights issues which will receive particular attention.
A list of prisons-related questions submitted by peer countries is included below.
For media enquiries or comment, please contact Fiona on 087-181 2990
United Kingdom:
What progress has there been on addressing the problems with prison accommodation and what is the time-table for refurbishment?
How does Ireland address the concerns that have been raised regarding prison conditions in Ireland including overcrowding and insufficient personal hygiene conditions?
The Netherlands:
Noting a delay in timing of a referendum incorporating the rights of the child in the institution, is the Irish Government considering alternative (legislative) measures that will enhance the position of children in the short term (e.g. extending the remit of the Ombudsman to children in prisons and asylum seeking children)?
Czech Republic:
Irish prisons suffer in particular from frequent overcrowding and poor hygienic conditions (in particular the humiliating remaining practice of „slopping-out“ of human waste) and in certain aspects fail to comply with international standards . What steps will the Government take to tackle this issue?
According to reports, the specific minority group of Travellers still faces discrimination on behalf of the authorities and marginalization by the society (in specific, e.g. continuous intimidation in prison facilities). Given their cultural specifics and provided that they construe a particularly vulnerable part of the society, does the Government consider finally granting the Travellers the status of an ethnic minority?
How does Ireland plan to implement recommendations from CAT regarding conditions and treatment of detainees in Irish prisons?
Does Ireland plan to establish an independent and effective complaints and investigation mechanism for prisoners, as recommended by CAT?
Sweden would like to ask the government of Ireland to indicate how it intends to follow-up on the broad range of recommendations made recently by the UN Committee against Torture (CAT/C/IRL/CO/1) and by the Inspector of Prisons (Report 7 April 2011)?
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.