"The Rights, Experiences and Needs of Older Prisoners in Ireland”
IPRT is currently inviting tenders for a research project on the current provision for and specific needs of older prisoners in Ireland.
10% of people in prison custody today are aged over 50. There has been a 75% increase in this category of prisoner since 2008, with a 92% increase in the number of people aged over 50 committed to prison each year between 2008 and 2013.
Older prisoners therefore represent a substantial and increasing minority within the prison system. With the growing number of older prisoners there has come acknowledgement that the needs of this group differ greatly from those of the general prison population. Specific issues relate to mobility, visual/hearing impairments, ability to engage with activities and programmes available within prisons, and issues relating to mental health including dementia and Alzheimer’s. Despite acknowledgement of the specific needs of this group, there has as yet been little measurable progress in the development of targeted strategies to address and facilitate the healthcare needs of this substantial, and increasing, proportion of the prison population.
IPRT has secured funding from St. Stephen’s Green Trust to pursue a policy and awareness-raising project on issues relating to older prisoners in Ireland. The core output from this project will be a concise issues paper for submission to key policy makers, with a view to securing specific policy commitments which promote inclusion and equality of older detainees.
Full details are available here.
Tenders should be submitted by e-mail to Deirdre Malone at: director@iprt.ie
CLOSING DATE: Noon on Monday 2nd March 2015
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.