21st December 2011
In this edition:
Welcome to the final edition of the IPRT Ebulletin for 2011, a busy and eventful year for IPRT and penal reform – clearly not all developments have been positive, but there are some signs of progress on a number of our key campaigning issues: Funds have been allocated to continuing the refurbishment of Mountjoy, bringing the ending of slopping out a little closer; Thornton Hall was abandoned; and reducing the prison population is now Government policy. If recent shifts in policy are followed through in 2012, we could see the prison population drop for the first time in living memory.
At the same time, the Government has shamefully failed to move on ending the detention of children in St. Patrick’s Institution, there has been no real progress on establishing an independent complaints system for prisoners, and conditions in Cork and Limerick prisons remain appalling. In recent weeks, we have also heard deeply disturbing reports of a change of regime at the Dóchas Centre.
This week, we have also had the shocking death of Shane Rogers at Cloverhill while on remand. IPRT extends our deepest sympathies to the Rogers family and to all of those affected by this awful tragedy. At this moment we know very little about the circumstances of Shane’s death, but serious questions arise about how a prisoner clearly in a high-risk category was able to take his own life. More than five years after the death of Gary Douch at Mountjoy, no independent system for the investigations of deaths in prison has been put in place, and this latest case reinforces how far we still have to go to put in place basic human rights safeguards in our prison system to vindicate the rights of prisoners and their families.
Finally, on behalf of the IPRT staff and Board, I’d like to thank you for your support during 2011, and we look forward to working together in 2012 towards a just and humane penal system.
In the meantime, we wish you a happy and peaceful Christmas.
Liam Herrick,
Executive Director
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last day for An Post pre-Christmas deliveries has passed, but never fear – you
can still send your Christmas Greetings in time by sending one of IPRT’s
Christmas E-Cards! For
a €25 donation, we will give you an E-Card that you can send to everyone you
Why choose an IPRT E-Card?
If you would like to find out more, call Mary Gaffney on: 01 874 1400. Final day for orders is Thursday 22nd December 2011 at 1pm!
As 2011 draws to a close, we look back on a year that saw intense focus on and activity around human rights in prisons, with a damning report publishing by the CPT on 10th February 2011, further recommendations made by the UNCAT on 6th June 2011, and the UPR recommendations on 6th October 2011.
Other key events in 2011 include a seminar with Marsha Levick of the Juvenile Law Centre in January; the publication by the Ombudsman for Children of the consultation report Young People in St Patrick’s Institution; an open forum with Bobby Cummines OBE, Chief Executive of UNLOCK, focusing on Spent Convictions in May; the IPRT Annual Lecture delivered by Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter in September; a fundraising gig with The Participants in December; Prison Law Seminars; Oireachtas seminars, and more!
Full details of all we got up to will be made available in our Annual Report due for publication by April 2012; meantime read about everything we did in 2010 in the IPRT Annual Report 2010.
The numbers in prison custody peaked in April 2011 at 4,587 prisoners; numbers have since fallen slightly and remained constant at just under 4,300 prisoners in custody on any day – which is to be welcomed, but we need this trend to continue. Significant events in 2011 include the establishment of the Thornton Hall Review Group and publication of its final report; the enactment of the Criminal Justice (Community Service)(Amendment) Act 2011; the launch of a pilot project for early incentivised release of prisoners serving longer sentences; renovation works to install in-cell sanitation in Mountjoy Prison (despite statements until 2010 that this was not possible); the publication by the Inspector of the Prisons of his Standards for the Inspection of Prisons in Ireland - Women Prisoners’ Supplement, Guidance on Best Practice relating to the Investigation of Deaths in Custody and Guidance on physical healthcare in a prison context; along with inspection reports and annual reports from all agencies, including the IPS, IYJS and Prison Visiting Committees. All prison related reports, guidelines and standards are available here: http://www.iprt.ie/prison-reports
Looking forward to 2012, we are still finalising our goals and plans, but confirmed activities include:
Other planned activities include the launch of the Know Your Rights/Prisoners’ Rights Information Pack, produced in association with the ICCL; a follow-up UNCAT event to monitor what commitments have been kept, one year on from Ireland’ first periodic review in Geneva; an Open Forum event to take place alongside our AGM in June; a half-day conference around Drugs & Crime in September 2012; along with the continuation of the Prison Law Seminar Series and Oireachtas seminars for the All Party Penal reform Group.
Applications are invited for the post of Research and Policy Officer (Maternity Leave) with the Irish Penal Reform Trust. The successful candidate will be responsible for developing the policy base for IPRT’s campaigning work, including carrying out research and engaging with key stakeholders in the Irish penal system. This position is to cover Maternity Leave and will be of fixed duration of six months from February to August 2012.
The closing date for applications is today, December 21st 2011. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview early January 2012.
Please note: Application is by official application form and cover letter only. We will be unable to accept incomplete or late applications.
For more information, please contact Mary Gaffney at info@iprt.ie
The 8th in our series of Prison Law Seminars, co-hosted with the DSBA and the ICBA, took place on Thurs 8th December, 2011 on the topic Creative Use of Legal Instruments: Current Prison Law Developments in England and Wales. The seminar was presented by Caoilfhionn Gallagher BL, leading prison law practitioner and human rights and civil liberties specialist, with particular expertise in prison law and community care for children and vulnerable adults.
Caoilfhionn’s presentation is available to watch here.
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Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.