Irish Penal Reform Trust

International News

UK: A study of the impact of a presumption against custodial sentences of three months or less in Scotland

8th May 2019

Crest evaluates the impact of the introduction of a presumption against the use of custodial sentences of three months or less in Scotland in 2011.

US: ‘Can we downsize our prisons and jails without compromising public safety?’ Findings from California’s Prop 47

1st May 2019

After a referendum was passed in 2014 in California to recategorise some nonviolent offences as misdemeanours, rather than felonies, what have the effects been on the crime rate?

UK: Draft sentencing guidelines for offenders with mental health conditions

12th April 2019

The Sentencing Council has launched a consultation on its proposed guideline on sentencing offenders with mental health conditions or disorders in England and Wales.

Guest blog for the Howard League for Penal Reform

4th April 2019

Authors of IPRT's 'Care and Justice' report, Dr Nicola Carr and Dr Paula Mayock, wrote a guest blog for the Howard League for Penal Reform's blog on ending the criminalisation of children in residential care.

'SPACE I' Annual Penal Statistics: Prison Populations 2018

2nd April 2019

The Council of Europe has published 'SPACE I' Annual Penal Statistics: Prison Populations 2018 report.

UK: Crest publishes ‘Children of Prisoners: Fixing a broken system’

19th March 2019

A new report by Crest (UK) indicates that revised estimates on the number of children impacted by parental imprisonment are over 50% higher than figures previously used.

UK: Standards for Children in The Youth Justice System

25th February 2019

Standards for Children in The Youth Justice System was published by the Youth Justice Board and the Ministry of Justice in February 2019.

UK: Supreme Court finds criminal records disclosure regime in breach of ECHR

29th January 2019

The UK Supreme Court has found that two aspects of the criminal records disclosure regime in England and Wales are in breach of Article 8 ECHR.

UK: First cross-government suicide prevention plan

22nd January 2019

UK Government has published its first cross-government suicide prevention plan with the objective of reducing deaths from suicide through the use of new technology and data.

UK: The Bromley Briefings Prison Factfile Autumn 2018

10th December 2018

The Prison Reform Trust has published the Bromley Briefings Prison Factfile for Autumn 2018.

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Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.



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