Irish Penal Reform Trust

International News

Scotland: Prisoners win in "Slopping Out" ruling

26th September 2011

Appeal judges have ruled that inmates can pursue damages after being subjected to the practice of slopping out from as far back as 1999.

US: 'Resolution, Reinvestment, and Realignment: Three Strategies for Changing Juvenile Justice'

21st September 2011

A new report from the Research and Evaluation Center at John Jay College of Criminal Justice reviews the most prominent juvenile correctional reform models from the past 40 years.

UK: 'Community or Custody: Which Works Best?' (Final Report)

12th September 2011

Make Justice Work have today published the findings of the National Enquiry, set up to investigate the efficacy and cost of short term prison sentences versus robust community based alternatives for low-level offenders.

US: Recommendations for reducing incarceration through evidence-based policies

15th August 2011

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) has recently published a report making a series of evidence based recommendations on how states can reduce incarceration, reducing both costs and crime rates.

Scotland: Guide for People with Learning Disabilities and the Criminal Justice System

11th August 2011

The Scottish Government has recently published a Guide aimed at improving the relationship between people with learning disabilities and the criminal justice system.

UK: Programme Reducing Gang Violence in Glasgow

5th July 2011

A co-ordinated programme between community, police and other groups in Glasgow has significantly reduced gang violence according to a new report released by the Violence Reduction Unity in the UK.

The Social Reintegration of Ex-Prisoners in CoE Member States

28th June 2011

A report from the Quaker Council of European Affairs highlights different reintegration and rehabilitation practices for prisoners in all Council of Europe states including Ireland.

UK: Voices Unheard - A Study of Irish Travellers in Prison

27th June 2011

A report just published by the Irish Chaplaincy in Britain investigates Irish Travellers' experiences of prison.

UK: Inside Job - Creating a market for real work in prison

13th June 2011

A new report from Policy Exchange outlines how prisoners who work a full 40-hour week could contribute to victim compensation, pay tax and establish a 'resettlement fund' for when they are released.

UK: No Winners - The reality of short term prison sentences

8th June 2011

A new report from the Howard League of Penal Reform and the Prison Governors Association in the UK has found that prisoners prefer short term sentences to community service because they are easier.

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Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.



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