9th September 2003
By Vivien Stern, Senior Research Fellow\ International Centre for Prison Studies, Kings College London.
29th August 2003
Comprehensive data on prison populations, incarceration rates, etc. Prepared by Marcelo F. Aebi, University of Seville and University of Lausanne for the Council of Europe.
25th April 2003
Published by the UK Home Office.
21st April 2003
This inflexible, heavy-handed approach to dealing with crime has contributed to a boom in the number of low-level offenders sent to prison and increased the length of their sentences.
9th April 2003
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy struck the latest blow against mandatory minimum sentences, telling congressional lawmakers Wednesday that required jail terms are partly responsible for much of the prison overcrowding problem in the United States. From Brad Wright,\ CNN Washington Bureau.
9th April 2003
United States Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy address to the Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association in San Francisco criticises mandatory minimum sentences.
5th April 2003
Detailed information on drug treatment programmes in EU member states and Norway. Contains some information on prisons. © European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 2003 (www.emcdda.org)
25th February 2003
In testimony today before the Texas House Corrections Committee, the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas said that the state's prisons have become too expensive because the system incarcerates too many non-violent offenders who should be home supporting their families.
17th December 2002
Detailed information on drug use in EU members states and Norway, which includes information on prisons. © European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, 2002 (www.emcdda.org)
14th December 2002
Published annually by the Council of Europe.
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.