Irish Penal Reform Trust

IPRT in the News

As part of the Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) Strategic Plan 2023-2026, one of our main goals is to campaign for a progressive criminal justice system that upholds human rights. Engagement with the media plays a large part in that as we discuss our evidence-based research, advocate for people in prison, and work to change attitudes and challenge misconceptions about people in the criminal justice system.

Below you will see a list of most of IPRT's media features including recordings of radio discussions, links to TV appearances, and access to written articles and opinion pieces. You can also listen back to long-form recorded discussions with podcast hosts on our Podcast webpage.

Irish Independent: Prison chief hits back after governor quits women's jail

27th April 2010

Today's 'Irish Independent' reports on the resignation of the Governor of the Dóchas Centre, including the call from IPRT on Justice Minister Dermot Ahern to take responsibility for overcrowding.

RTÉ One News: Governor of women's prison leaves role

26th April 2010

IPRT's Liam Herrick spoke to RTÉ's 'One News' about the issues raised around the resignation of Governor McMahon of Dóchas centre.

Today FM: Women in Prison

13th April 2010

IPRT's Liam Herrick on The Last Word discussing the issue of women in prison.

Today FM: Inefficiencies in the System

7th April 2010

IPRT Executive Director Liam Herrick speaking on The Last Word.

4FM: Mental health provision for prisoners

9th March 2010

IPRT's Agnieszka Martynowicz spoke to David Harvey on 4FM about the provision of mental health care in Irish prisons.

Irish Examiner: System "unable to deal with prisoners with mental illness."

8th March 2010

In today's 'Irish Examiner', Cormac O'Keeffe reports on a woman's struggle to secure appropriate treatment for her brother who has severe mental health issues, citing a failure of both the health system and the prison system.

RTE 'Drivetime': Community Service Orders

17th February 2010

IPRT Executive Director Liam Herrick speaks to Mary Wilson on RTE's 'Drivetime'.

RTE 'News on Two': Government Commits to Community Service Orders

16th February 2010

IPRT Executive Director Liam Herrick speaks about the issue of community sanctions.

Sunday Business Post: ‘Urgent’ need to address custodial ill treatment

14th February 2010

"The government should ‘urgently address’ allegations of ill treatment of people in custody, the Council of Europe has said following a review of Irish prisons and Garda stations," writes John Burke in 'The Sunday Business Post'.

The Irish Times: Call to publish anti-torture group findings

10th February 2010

IPRT calls on the government to release the findings of an anti-torture group that recently visited Ireland.

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Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.



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