Reports on Irish prisons are gathered in this section, along with prison standards and other relevant reports.
Inspection reports of the Children Detention Schools, which are carried out by HIQA, are available in the youth justice section.
For reports on Irish prisons carried out by international monitoring bodies (CPT, UN CAT, etc.) please see Human Rights reports.
1st May 2014
The following report details an independent inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the tragic death of Mr Douch while in custody in Mountjoy Prison.
10th April 2014
Today the NACSA released a study on the prevalence of drug use within Irish prisons. The study aimed to determine the need for drug treatment and harm reduction services in Irish prisons by estimating the prevalence of drug use, including intravenous drug use and blood-borne viruses, amongst the prisoner population.
6th March 2014
The Irish Prison Service and the Probation Service published their joint strategy on female offenders today.
6th March 2014
The Irish Prison Service Annual Report was published today by Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Mr. Alan Shatter.
6th March 2014
The Probation Service published its Annual Report for 2013 today.
5th March 2014
Minister Shatter published the Visiting Committee Annual Report 2013 for Limerick Prison today.
18th December 2013
The Department of Justice and Equality has published 12 reports by the Inspector of Prisons reports on deaths in custody.
31st October 2013
The Irish Prison Service has published its second quarterly census of the use of restricted regimes. In addition the IPS has published a census of cell occupancy and in-cell sanitation.
3rd July 2013
The 2012 annual report of the Inspector of Prisons has been published. It documents both positive developments and ongoing concerns in the Irish prison system.
3rd July 2013
A report by the Inspector of Prisons assessing where the Irish Prison System stands at the moment; it highlights serious concerns and strides that have been made to date to remedy them.
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.