Irish Penal Reform Trust

Women in Detention

On average, women make up around 3.8% of the prison population, with a large number of committals concerning non-violent offences. Additionally, the majority are detained on short-term sentences. However, the impact of even short-term imprisonment on these women and their families is profound. The economic and social costs to society at large arising from the imprisonment of women are also significant.

In 2021, there were 487 women committed to prison, compared to 155 in 1999. The rate of female prison committals has risen more rapidly than for males since 2011. In addition, there continues to be significant numbers of women imprisoned for failing to pay court-ordered fines, despite the Fines (Payment and Recovery Act) 2014 which came into operation in January 2016. In 2021, 8% of female committals to prison were for non-payment of court-ordered fines – double the comparable figure for men (4%).

Major concerns remain in relation to overcrowding in both of the country’s female prisons – the Dóchas Centre and a female wing in Limerick Prison. The detention of women for immigration-related reasons is also a concern for IPRT. IPRT remains committed to working towards major policy change in relation to imprisonment of women in Ireland, with a central focus on the provision of alternatives to detention and open prison provision for women. 

Upcoming Events: Association for Criminal Justice Research and Development

30th September 2010

The ACJRD are hosting two events during October. The first of these is an education seminar on Tuesday 5 October 2010. This is followed by the ACJRD's thirteenth annual conference on Friday 15 October 2010.

Under the Radar: Women with borderline personality disorder in prison

14th September 2010

One in four female prisoners struggle with borderline personality disorder, yet their needs are going unnoticed in the UK justice system, according to a report published by the Centre for Mental Health.

Irish Examiner: Women in immigration-related detention suffer racist abuse from inmates

4th August 2010

Findings of a new report highlight that many female foreign nationals being held in the Dóchas Centre are subject to racial abuse

Jailed women to get taste of freedom near their families

14th July 2010

Female prisoners in northern Scotland are being given the chance to live in open conditions close to their communities under a new scheme being launched next week.

Homeless woman in forced release from Dóchas Centre

18th June 2010

'The Irish Times' has reported on a case of a woman prisoner who, after being granted Temporary Release, refused to leave the Dóchas Centre in Dublin as she had no home to go to, writes Agnieszka Martynowicz.

Sunday Tribune: 'I love it here at Dóchas'

9th May 2010

In an article in the Sunday Tribune, Ali Bracken, describes the regime, as she found it on a recent visit, in the Dóchas Centre (Mountjoy women's prison.)

Mentoring, Social Capital and Desistance: A Study of Women Released from Prison

21st April 2010

New research explores the use of mentoring programmes in aiding reintegration of ex-prisoners.

NI: Addressing Offending by Women

19th April 2010

A new literature review by Dr Una Convery examines women offenders’ needs and approaches adopted towards women in terms of policy and practice to address their offending. It is intended to help inform the development of best practice in the approaches adopted towards women who offend in Northern Ireland.

Today FM: Women in Prison

13th April 2010

IPRT's Liam Herrick on The Last Word discussing the issue of women in prison.

Addressing Women Offenders in Northern Ireland

14th January 2010

This article outlines the problems for women offenders in Northern Ireland and describes the first new innovative project that provides a variety of programmes to address the individual needs for women offenders, the Inspire Women’s Project.

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Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.



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