On average, women make up around 3.8% of the prison population, with a large number of committals concerning non-violent offences. Additionally, the majority are detained on short-term sentences. However, the impact of even short-term imprisonment on these women and their families is profound. The economic and social costs to society at large arising from the imprisonment of women are also significant.
In 2021, there were 487 women committed to prison, compared to 155 in 1999. The rate of female prison committals has risen more rapidly than for males since 2011. In addition, there continues to be significant numbers of women imprisoned for failing to pay court-ordered fines, despite the Fines (Payment and Recovery Act) 2014 which came into operation in January 2016. In 2021, 8% of female committals to prison were for non-payment of court-ordered fines – double the comparable figure for men (4%).
Major concerns remain in relation to overcrowding in both of the country’s female prisons – the Dóchas Centre and a female wing in Limerick Prison. The detention of women for immigration-related reasons is also a concern for IPRT. IPRT remains committed to working towards major policy change in relation to imprisonment of women in Ireland, with a central focus on the provision of alternatives to detention and open prison provision for women.
18th June 2019
Following his 2017 review on the importance of family ties for men in prison, Lord Farmer has found that healthy relationships are a ‘must have’ when it comes to preventing women from reoffending.
11th June 2019
The UN Working Group on the issue of discrimination against women in law and in practice has published its thematic report on women deprived of liberty for the 41st session of the Human Rights Council.
23rd May 2019
Co-published by Thailand Institute of Justice (TIJ) and Penal Reform International (PRI), this guide comprises of research into rehabilitation and reintegration practices around the world specifically for women in prison.
21st May 2019
Global Prison Trends 2019 is the fifth edition in PRI’s annual flagship Global Prison Trends series which identifies topical developments and challenges in criminal justice, and prison policy and practice.
15th May 2019
The Prison Reform Trust, in collaboration with Key Ring Living Support, have published a report that finds women with learning disabilities are at risk of becoming drawn into the criminal justice system due to failures to recognise their disability and a lack of appropriate support.
23rd April 2019
IPRT comment and research was featured in an in-depth focus on the challenges faced by female prisoners in Ireland.
13th March 2019
ADVISORY: IPRT responds to the publication of the Visiting Committee Annual Reports 2017 for the Dóchas Centre and Limerick Prison, calling on the Government to deliver on previous policy commitments to improve responses to women in prison.
4th November 2018
Newstalk documentary 'Mary and the Joy' features IPRT Executive Director Deirdre Malone discussing the importance of relationship-based care in Irish prisons.
31st October 2018
The APPG on Women in the Penal System has published a report on its inquiry into the sentencing of women.
1st October 2018
IPRT made a submission to the UN Working Group on women deprived of liberty, focusing on women deprived of their liberty in the criminal justice system in Ireland.
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.