Fine Gael launched their justice plan, Law and Order and Defence: A safe and secure Ireland on Friday 15 November 2024. The full election manifesto, Securing your future, was published on Sunday 17 November 2024.
Fianna Fáil launched their election manifesto, Moving Forward. Together, on Monday 11 November 2024. IPRT analyses relevant proposals contained in the manifesto.
The Green Party launched their election manifesto, Towards 2030: A decade of change, volume II, on Tuesday 12 November 2024. IPRT analyses relevant proposals contained in the manifesto.
People Before Profit launched their election manifesto, Another Ireland is Possible, on Thursday 14 November 2024.
MEDIA RELEASE: A new public opinion poll released today (Wednesday, 13 November 2024) shows that a majority of voters in Ireland across the largest political parties are open to reforms within the criminal justice system that would tackle overcrowding through alternatives to imprisonment, specifically in the case of people who commit non-violent offences.
Key questions to ask candidates running in the general election when they knock on your door (or you can ask them by email).
On 9 November, Anne-Marie Brennan wrote about the experience of people voting in prison for Galway Pulse. IPRT gave some insights to the process.
In 2020, IPRT outlined five priority areas for the newly formed coalition Government to include in its Programme for Government. We examine where we are more than four years on.
People in prison have the same right to register to vote as people in the community. Find out more about how to register to vote in prison.
IPRT outlines 10 commitments that parties should adopt to make the way in which we deal with people who offend more effective, humane, and less costly – financially and socially.
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.