Irish Penal Reform Trust

International News

"Prison Service warned to stop using court cells overnight", The Guardian

20th August 2007

Serious concerns about housing inmates in court cells during the height of the jail overcrowding crisis were raised by watchdogs today.

"Prison officers vote to strike over pay", by James Orr, The Guardian

16th August 2007

Prison officers across England and Wales have voted for possible strike action unless their continued demand for a pay increase is met.

"Prison Population Set to Hit New Record", The Guardian

15th August 2007

The prison population could reach a new record high just weeks after the government's controversial early release scheme was introduced, it was claimed today.

"Little extra help for children in custody", The Times

13th August 2007

Government agency accused of burying research by children's experts

"£950m bill forces rethink on computer tracking of offenders" by Alan Travis, The Guardian

9th August 2007

The future of the computer system that is supposed to keep track of 300,000 offenders a year who are in prison or on probation is in doubt after ministers halted the programme this week.

"It's worth a 'spin'", by Erwin James, The Guardian

7th August 2007

Prisoners don't like having their cells - or their bodies - searched, but Erwin James argues that abandoning spins and strips would be foolish

"Mr Justice Dermot Kinlen", The Times

6th August 2007

The Republic of Ireland's first Inspector of Prisons who confounded expectations by a succession of reports calling attention to the deplorable state of the country's prisons

"This is your prison scandal, Prime Minister" by Camilla Cavendish, The Times

2nd August 2007

Until a few weeks ago I thought a "get out of jail free" card was something you could only find on the Monopoly board. Now the British Government is handing them out for real, because the jails are full.

"'Kafkaesque' indeterminate sentences stretch prisons", by Ben Russell, The Independent

31st July 2007

Prisons are being stretched to breaking point by the huge increase in "ferocious and unjust" indeterminate jail sentences, penal reformers have warned.

"Corporate killing law to include police and prisons as Government admits defeat", by Frances Gibb, The Times

19th July 2007

Prisons and police authorities will be liable for prosecution over deaths of people held in custody after a final defeat of the Government over the scope of new corporate manslaughter laws.

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