4th July 2007
Two prisoners have launched a high court action, claiming they have been kept in conditions so bad that their human rights have been violated.
28th June 2007
Fewer inmates might have died in custody if the federal prison service had followed its own policies, acted on recommendations and, in many cases, checked to see whether prisoners were alive, a new study shows.
28th June 2007
Two federal judges charged with forcing changes to California's troubled, overcrowded prisons expressed doubt Wednesday that Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger would turn the system around, and indicated a willingness to move toward capping the inmate population.
27th June 2007
The prison overcrowding crisis will sharply limit Downing Street's room for manoeuvre over criminal justice policy, with a renewed surge in numbers expected in October. Gordon Brown must be hoping that a new package of emergency measures, including the 18-day end of custody licence, will get the prisons through to the new year when the crash building programme of extra houseblocks and temporary units will be on stream.
25th June 2007
Tony Blair leaves behind a prison system that shames our society, says Erwin James. The new prime minister must do better
24th June 2007
The Government will this week spark a new war with the judiciary by stripping England and Wales's 30,000 magistrates of powers to hand out suspended jail terms, in a fresh bid to ease the prisons crisis.
24th June 2007
As 25,000 criminals get early release to ease overcrowding, this chief inspector of prisons offers a longer term solution
20th June 2007
Our penal policy is an inhumane shambles, and betrays an attitude to crime that favours repression over reform
20th June 2007
Between 1,500 and 1,800 non-dangerous offenders are to be released from prison next week, 18 days before the end of their sentence, in an effort to ease the prison crisis. The extension of the early release scheme was announced yesterday by Lord Falconer, the justice secretary, after the daily prison population in England and Wales hit a record of 81,016 on Monday.
19th June 2007
More than 25,000 prisoners will be released in the next year under an emergency plan announced by the Government today to ease chronic prison overcrowding in England and Wales.
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.