Irish Penal Reform Trust

IPRT in the News

As part of the Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) Strategic Plan 2023-2026, one of our main goals is to campaign for a progressive criminal justice system that upholds human rights. Engagement with the media plays a large part in that as we discuss our evidence-based research, advocate for people in prison, and work to change attitudes and challenge misconceptions about people in the criminal justice system.

Below you will see a list of most of IPRT's media features including recordings of radio discussions, links to TV appearances, and access to written articles and opinion pieces. You can also listen back to long-form recorded discussions with podcast hosts on our Podcast webpage.

Irish Examiner: '7,000 jailed over fines despite new laws'

3rd February 2011

Writing in the 'Irish Examiner', Jennifer Hough reports that 6,681 people were jailed last year for non-payment of court fines, despite the Fines Act 2010 - legislation which provides alternatives to imprisonment - being signed into law eight months ago. The article reports on IPRT's concerns at "soaring numbers" continuing to be jailed for failure to pay fines.

Irish Times: 'Penal reform fines legislation'

3rd February 2011

'The Irish Times' reports on IPRT's calls on an incoming government to commit to enacting legislation ensuring that the practice of imprisoning people for non-payment of fines is brought to an end, and to ensure the full operation of the Fines Act.

RTÉ 'Today with Pat Kenny': Child Law

14th January 2011

Marsha Levick of the Juvenile Law Center, Philadelphia, talks to RTÉ's Pat Kenny about her inspirational work challenging the treatment of children in the juvenile and adult criminal justice systems across the United States.

Irish Times: U.S. juvenile justice programme has valuable lessons for Ireland

20th December 2010

In today's Irish Times, Marsha Levick and Ursula Kilkelly write on how strategic litigation combined with academic research has helped advance the rights of children.

Irish Examiner: 20% of juvenile inmates locked up 23 hours a day

13th December 2010

More than a fifth of inmates in the country’s sole prison for young offenders are locked up in their cells for 23 hours a day, writes Cormac O'Keeffe in the Irish Examiner.

Irish Examiner: 'Youth justice to suffer swingeing cuts'

8th December 2010

Cormac O’Keefe, writing in the Irish Examiner, details the impact of the budget cuts on the Department of Justice and its associated services.

Irish Times: 'Crisis freeing us up to finally pursue coherent crime policy'

15th November 2010

Writing in 'The Irish Times', columnist Breda O'Brien takes a look at Irish penal policy (or, indeed, the lack of), and how "expanding jails instead of tackling social problems was a typical Celtic Tiger response."

RTÉ Six One News: Surge in Irish prison population

22nd October 2010

RTÉ Six One News reports on the "highly critical report on conditions in many of the Ireland's 14 prisons", including an interview with IPRT Executive Director, Liam Herrick.

Irish Examiner: Petty criminals set to be kept out of prison

19th October 2010

Judges will soon be forced to consider imposing community service as an alternative to prison sentences under new Government plans, writes Cormac O'Keeffe.

Evening Herald: Jail overcrowding could end in death

15th October 2010

Charlie Mallon reports on the riot in Mountjoy which saw three officers hospitalised, quoting Executive Director of IPRT, Liam Herrick on how overcrowding contributed to the situation.

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Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.



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