Irish Penal Reform Trust

IPRT in the News

4FM: Mental health provision for prisoners

9th March 2010

IPRT's Agnieszka Martynowicz spoke to David Harvey on 4FM about the provision of mental health care in Irish prisons.

Irish Examiner: System "unable to deal with prisoners with mental illness."

8th March 2010

In today's 'Irish Examiner', Cormac O'Keeffe reports on a woman's struggle to secure appropriate treatment for her brother who has severe mental health issues, citing a failure of both the health system and the prison system.

RTE 'Drivetime': Community Service Orders

17th February 2010

IPRT Executive Director Liam Herrick speaks to Mary Wilson on RTE's 'Drivetime'.

RTE 'News on Two': Government Commits to Community Service Orders

16th February 2010

IPRT Executive Director Liam Herrick speaks about the issue of community sanctions.

Sunday Business Post: ‘Urgent’ need to address custodial ill treatment

14th February 2010

"The government should ‘urgently address’ allegations of ill treatment of people in custody, the Council of Europe has said following a review of Irish prisons and Garda stations," writes John Burke in 'The Sunday Business Post'.

The Irish Times: Call to publish anti-torture group findings

10th February 2010

IPRT calls on the government to release the findings of an anti-torture group that recently visited Ireland.

4FM: Drugs in Prison

8th February 2010

Liam Herrick talks to David Harvey on 4FM's 'Lunchtime on 4' about the problem of drugs in prison and the opportunity prison offers to break the habits of addiction.

RTE's 'The Frontline': Mandatory Sentencing for Burglary

1st February 2010

The issue of mandatory sentencing for burglary was the subject of RTE's 'The Frontline' this week; IPRT's Liam Herrick and others voice their opposition to such moves.

Today FM: Convicted offenders to do community service

19th January 2010

IPRT's Liam Herrick spoke to Today FM's 'The Last Word' on a pilot project between the Probation Service and Dublin City Countil which will see convicted offenders do community service, such as cleaning graffiti from city walls.

RTÉ Sunday Forum: Society's Moral Response to Murder

11th January 2010

IPRT's Liam Herrick was one of the panellists discussing what society’s moral response should be to someone who takes another person’s life. The programme focussed on sentencing, and the need to achieve justice for families of victims while showing fairness to perpetrators.

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Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.



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