24th October 2023
In a Letter to the Editor responding to the news regarding the new Limerick Prison, IPRT Executive Director, Saoirse Brady, welcomes developments at Limerick Women's Prison but says diversion ought to be the priority
20th October 2023
In response to the publication of the Irish Prison Service and Probation Service annual reports for 2022, IPRT called for the increased use of community-based alternatives to prison, and a reversal of plans to increase prison spaces.
19th October 2023
In an Irish Legal News article, it reports on an event on Wednesday 18 October 2023 where politicians marked the ten-year anniversary of the publication of the Report on Penal Reform of 2013 by the Joint Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality at an event in the AV room in Leinster House.
5th October 2023
The Law Society Gazette write about IPRT's calls for the Government to invest in alternatives to prison in Budget 2024.
4th October 2023
IPRT Executive Director Saoirse Brady speaks on Cork's 96FM about the news of overcrowding in Cork prison and how it can be reduced.
3rd October 2023
IPRT responds to the news of 10 people sleeping on mattresses on the floor in Cork Prison. IPRT raises concerns that policies are not mirroring the current reality and put forward solutions that could be achieved through Budget 2024 and beyond.
26th September 2023
IPRT wrote a Letter to the Editor responding to the article “Prisoners sleeping on mattresses ‘wedged next to lavatories’ due to overcrowding” published the previous day. IPRT notes its concerns and proposes a solution-based approach that should be considered ahead of Budget 2024.
17th August 2023
IPRT respond to recent data indicating that the number of short sentences being imposed by judges has increased. IPRT responded flagging what we know from successive research and reports that short prison sentences are less effective than community alternatives and break important protective links between people who offend and their communities and families.
23rd July 2023
The Journal reports on the number of court summonses for failure to pay for a TV licence issued last year. Irish Prison Reform Trust (IPRT) has campaigned for many years to end the wasteful practice of imprisonment for fine payment defaults. Imprisonment for fines default represents a completely ineffective use of Garda, Courts and Irish Prison Service time and resources.
11th July 2023
IPRT responds to the most recent CSO data indicating that three in every five people released from prison reoffended within three years.
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.