29th March 2022
IPRT Senior Policy and Research Officer Sarahjane McCreery and IPRT Acting Executive Director Molly Joyce appeared before the Joint Oireachtas Committee as part of an examination of rehabilitative opportunities within the prison system.
4th March 2022
This submission discusses key rehabilitative supports, services and resources in prisons and makes 13 recommendations for change.
22nd February 2022
IPRT Acting Executive Director Molly Joyce and Senior Policy & Research Officer Sarahjane McCreery appeared before the Joint Committee on Justice to give evidence on the topic of ’Anti-Social Behaviour’ (ASB).
21st January 2022
IPRT's brief submission on the general scheme of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) (Amendment) Bill 2021 aims to highlight the needs of people with disabilities in prison and engaged with forensic mental health services in Ireland.
21st January 2022
IPRT was invited by the Joint Committee on Justice to make a written submission on the topic of 'Anti-Social Behaviour'.
7th January 2022
This is the Irish Penal Reform Trust’s first submission to the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. The submission makes the overarching point that Ireland is over-reliant on imprisonment as a response to social issues and socio-economic disadvantage.
8th December 2021
The main area of focus in the submission is on adding an additional equality ground, namely, discrimination on the basis of a criminal conviction.
10th November 2021
This submission invites the Department to closely consider the key findings and recommendations of IPRT’s 'Piecing It Together: Supporting Children and Families with a Family Member in Prison in Ireland' report before finalising the State Report.
5th November 2021
IPRT welcomes the Irish Prison Service (IPS) decision to review and update the Prison Rules 2007, and particularly welcomes the public consultation held in respect of this review.
14th October 2021
The IPRT co-chaired Action for Children and Families of Prisoners network made a submission to the consultation on the review of the Prison Rules 2007, with a specific focus on sections that relate to the work of the network.
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.