Irish Penal Reform Trust

IPRT Submissions

IPRT Submission on Ireland’s approach to possession of limited quantities of certain drugs

7th August 2015

IPRT Submission to the Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality on Ireland’s approach to the possession of limited quantities of certain drugs in August 2015.

IPRT Submission to the Human Rights Committee on the ICCPR

20th June 2014

IPRT has made a Submission to the Human Rights Committee on Ireland’s Fourth Periodic Examination of Ireland under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

IPRT Submission on Women in the Criminal Justice System

12th May 2013

A submission intended to assist the Irish Prison Service and the Irish Probation Service in the development of a Strategy for Women Offenders. It was prepared by the Irish Penal Reform Trust (IPRT) and the Women in Prison Reform Alliance (WIPRA), of which IPRT is a member.

IPRT Submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights Defenders

23rd November 2012

Submission to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders, Margaret Sekaggya, in advance of her visit to Ireland from 19 to 23 November 2012.

IPRT Submission to the LRC Consultation on Mandatory Sentencing

30th April 2012

The IPRT submission to the Law Reform Commission consultation process on mandatory sentencing is published here.

IPRT Submission on Mental Health and Criminal Justice

27th April 2012

IPRT made a detailed Submission to the Cross Sectoral Group on Mental Health and Criminal Justice in April 2012.

IPRT Submission on Reform of Remission, Parole and Temporary Release

16th November 2011

IPRT made a submission to the Oireachtas Sub-Committee on Penal Reform in November 2011, published here. A revised paper will be published 23 Oct 2012.

IPRT Submission to White Paper on Crime: 4 - The Community and the Criminal Justice System

31st August 2011

IPRT submission to 'White Paper on Crime: 4 - The Community and the Criminal Justice System' as part of the White Paper on Crime process.

IPRT Submission to the Review Group on Thornton Hall

26th July 2011

The IPRT submission to the Review Group on Thornton Hall, which was tasked by the Minister for Justice to assess whether building of the proposed super-prison should proceed.

Joint Shadow Report to the First Periodic Review of Ireland under the UNCAT

27th May 2011

On 23 and 24 May 2011, Ireland was reviewed for the first time by the UN Committee against Torture (UNCAT). In advance of the hearing, IPRT and ICCL submitted a 'Joint Shadow Report', endorsed by 31 organisations.

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Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.



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