Young adults are more responsive to rehabilitative measures than older adults – but the wrong interventions can limit opportunities and deepen offending behaviour. Alternative sentencing and policy approaches are needed to reduce the offending rate among young adults.
15th April 2021
IPRT welcomes many of the evidence-led plans set out in the new Youth Justice Strategy, however, concern remains over certain proposals.
1st February 2021
The briefing examines to what extent the specific developmental needs of young adults are taken into account by courts when making decisions about whether to remand defendants into custody.
5th August 2020
MEDIA ADVISORY: New figures published by the Central Statistics Office find that 55.2% of people released from prison in 2014 reoffended within 3 years. Nearly 80% of those aged under 21 when they were committed to prison reoffended within three years of being released, and 75% of people imprisoned for public order offences reoffended within three years. Reoffending rates remain too high and this demands alternative.responses
30th June 2020
Adopting an evidence-informed approach, IPRT outlines four key areas of youth justice that should be reinforced or inserted into the Draft Youth Justice Strategy.
4th May 2020
ADVISORY: Proposals to extend youth supports to young adults aged up to 24, place a positive duty on State agencies to work together, and a clear and consistent focus on reaching hard-to-reach groups are among a number of evidence-informed progressive elements included in the Draft Youth Justice Strategy.
26th February 2020
Judicial sentencing should take account of persuasive evidence that the adolescent brain continues to mature into adulthood and does not reach full maturity until approximately 25-30 years of age.
20th December 2019
IPRT welcomes the publication of the Evaluation of the Bail Supervision Scheme for Children (pilot Scheme) by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs today (20th December 2019). The report demonstrates positive outcomes for children who participated and completed the Bail Supervision Scheme.
27th November 2019
The Irish Penal Reform Trust, in association with the Irish Criminal Bar Association, hosted a youth justice seminar on the 21st November 2019 in the Distillery Building, Church Street, Dublin 7.
21st November 2019
The Irish Penal Reform Trust and the Irish Criminal Bar Association will host a youth justice event focused on 18-24 year olds on Thursday 21st Nov 2019 in the Distillery Building.
21st November 2019
Young adults are more responsive to rehabilitative measures than older adults – but the wrong interventions can limit opportunities and deepen offending behaviour: Alternative sentencing and policy approaches are needed to reduce the offending rate among young adults.
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.