Irish Penal Reform Trust


Irish Penal Reform Trust hosts a number of events throughout the year, including the launches of new publications, consultations, campaign events, and our AGM.

Sisters Inside: Women, Prison and Human Rights

30th June 2004

The IPRT is pleased to host an international conference on women in prison featuring speakers from Australia, Canada and Ireland. The conference will be held on Wednesday June 30th at the Dóchas Centre for Women, Dublin.

IPRT 9th Annual General Meeting

22nd April 2004

The Irish Penal Reform Trust will hold its 9th Annual General Meeting on Thursday, April 22nd, 7:30pm in the Swift Theatre, Arts Building, Trinity College Dublin. For more information please call 01-668-0072.

Irish Penal Reform Trust Annual Lecture, Thursday April 22nd

22nd April 2004

Baroness Vivien Stern, Secretary General of Penal Reform International, Speaking on the topic of Criminal Justice and Social Justice

IPRT Assists Romanian Ministry Of Justice

1st March 2004

IPRT participates in UNICEF Technical Assistance Mission on HIV Programmes in Prisons

Press Conference: Call for International Action on Prisons to coincide with Dublin AIDS Summit

23rd February 2004

The Dublin Declaration on HIV/AIDS in Prisons in Europe and Central Asia will be launched on Monday, February 23rd at 1:30pm sharp at the Chester Beatty Library, Dublin Castle. Representatives from Global Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS, the Central and Eastern European Harm Reduction Network, AIDS Action Europe, AIDS Foundation East-West, the Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network and the Irish Penal Reform Trust will address the launch.\

Conference to Examine HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C in Prisons

11th December 2003

Irish and International Experts to speak at forum hosted by the Irish Penal Reform Trust and Merchant's Quay Ireland

Experts to speak on Juvenile Justice Policy

29th October 2003

The Irish Penal Reform Trust's 7th Annual Conference - Juvenile Justice in Ireland: Critical Perspectives, Human Rights & Good Practice - will be held on November 1st in the Marino Institute for Education in Glasnevin, Dublin. The conference will host a number of Irish and international experts on youth justice and will explore the multiple challenges to improving policy and practice in Ireland.

Penal Reform Trust to brief TDs on Prison Privatisation Evidence

14th October 2003

The Irish Penal Reform Trust will hold a closed briefing session tomorrow for TDs to review the international evidence on prison privatisation.

Press Conference: Prison Privatisation Plans Condemned

24th September 2003

Leading Figures in Criminology, Law and Human Rights Challenge the Government on Private Prisons. An open letter to Justice Minister McDowell against prison privatisation will be released at a press conference at Buswell's Hotel, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2 on Wednesday, September 24 at 10:00am by Ivana Bacik, Dr. Paul O'Mahony, Aisling Reidy (ICCL) and Rick Lines (IPRT).

Press Conference: New report says "radical restructuring" necessary before new isolation cells meet human rights standards

10th September 2003

"To Be or not to Be in observation cells?" will be released at a press conference in Buswell's Hotel, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2\ Wednesday, September 10 @ 11:30am.\

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Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.



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