Irish Penal Reform Trust hosts a number of events throughout the year, including the launches of new publications, consultations, campaign events, and our AGM.
25th July 2007
Minister for Justice, Brian Lenihan officially launched "The Whitaker Committee Report 20 Years On - Lessons Learned or Lessons Forgotten?" on July 25th, 2007 in Buswells Hotel.
6th February 2007
Event to debate the motion "This House Believes that Prison Works"
9th November 2006
IPRT Chairperson Claire Hamilton to speak at seminar on the social and financial costs of prisons in Ireland.
28th August 2006
IPRT, Merchants Quay Ireland and UISCE will co-host a public lecture with special guest Jerry Cameron of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
14th July 2006
IPRT Executive Director to co-facilitate day-long session on advocacy training at the Irish Centre for Human Rights, Galway
15th June 2006
Joint report by the Community Foundation of Ireland and the IPRT.
31st May 2006
Claire Hamilton will discuss the IPRT's legal challenge on mental health care in prisons at a seminar organised by the Free Legal Aid Clinic (FLAC)
25th May 2006
Annual IPRT Members meeting to be held Thursday May 25th at 4pm.
1st April 2006
Mr. Rick Lines to speak on the topic "Living in the Past: The Americanization of the Irish prison system"
9th March 2006
IPRT, Irish Refugee Council and Immigrant Council of Ireland to hold private briefing session for TDs and Senators.
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.