Irish Penal Reform Trust hosts a number of events throughout the year, including the launches of new publications, consultations, campaign events, and our AGM.
17th November 2005
The IPRT will be holding a mid-year briefing session for IPRT members to update them on organisational activities.
16th November 2005
IPRT Chairperson Claire Hamilton will participate in a debate on the motion "That ASBOs represent another attack of the State on civil liberties."
1st November 2005
A new report to be published jointly by the Irish Penal Reform Trust, the Irish Refugee Council and the Immigrant Council of Ireland on the use of immigration-related detention in Ireland.
22nd June 2005
Seminar on ASBOs organised by the Law School of Trinity College Dublin.
9th June 2005
Mr. Rick Lines to speak on the topic "The Americanization of the Irish prison system".
14th May 2005
Dublin conference to focus on issues of crime and anti-social behaviour.
4th May 2005
The Coalition Against ASBOs will hold a press conference to present the international evidence against Anti Social Behaviour Orders
7th April 2005
The IPRT is pleased to announce that the world-renowned criminologist Nils Christie will be our guest for the 2005 IPRT Annual Lecture on Thursday April 7th.
7th April 2005
Annual IPRT Members meeting to be held Thursday April 7th at 7pm.
18th November 2004
The Irish Penal Reform Trust & Merchants Quay Ireland host the European launch\ of "Prison Needle Exchange: Lessons from a Comprehensive Review of International Evidence and Experience" on November 18th
Respect for rights in the penal system with prison as a last resort.